Centennial Collegiate Dance Academy Survey (draft)
1. What grade are you in?
2. How satisfied are you with the current programming in the dance academy?
3. If you were in a dance class last year, is this year's class run differently?
4. If yes, what are some differences?
5. The Dance Academy class is a fun environment where I learn and develop my dance skills.
6. Overall, I enjoy attending dance class everyday.
7. Have you developed new friendships with other students in the dance class?
8. If no, what has hindered you in making new friends?
9. Has the choreography been challenging?
10. I enjoy and look forward to performing at pep rallies and other school events.
11. I feel like I am getting adequate physical activity every day.
12. I will continue in the dance academy throughout high school.
13. If no, why not?
14. I feel attached to Centennial Collegiate as a result of my participation in the dance academy.
15. Overall, how would you rate your enjoyment in the dance academy class.
Always enjoyable
Sometimes enjoyable
Rarely enjoyable
Never enjoyable
After receiving feedback from my "test group", there were a few changes that I wanted to make. Question #6, seemed unnecessary to one person, but another person thought it was useful. For question #8, the consensus was that it should be made more positive. As worded right now, it could be a difficult and inappropriate question for the survey. They thought that I should add a comment box at the end for suggestions for the future and a question pertaining to their confidence level when performing. I appreciated the feedback given to me and I see that having another few sets of eyes on a piece is really beneficial when looking at a purposeful tool.
Using the SurveyMonkey tool didn't allow me to fit all of my questions onto one survey, so here are the links to part one and part two of the survey.
http://www.surveymonkey.com/s.aspx?PREVIEW_MODE=DO_NOT_USE_THIS_LINK_FOR_COLLECTION&sm=SCcy6RWI9sWaZFT%2fkdwf3wIR5a9yDMGfwOcbUQLFMkY%3d |
Krissy this is a good example of how a survey can evolve. I like the changes yo have made and I believe you have created a stronger survey as a result. I see some issues around question 9's language and that you might be leading people's opinion a bit.It also asks two things in two of the choices. I would fix this question. Also I am not sure about why you have asterisks on some of the questions. Perhaps a short introduction at the beginning of the survey would help make this clearer. I like the clean design of the questions. They are easy to read and flow well.